Down deep I'm a creator. I always have been. Whether it's with crayons, a paint brush or a camera; I have always wanted to create beautiful art.
Viewing a beautiful image gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Don't you love the feeling you get when you look at a wheat field blowing in the wind; the blue sky in contrast to the golden field.
Or watching the sun set with all of God's colors painting the sky.
Or smelling hay and hearing the creak of the saddle as you ride your horse into the pasture.
Or breathing in that smell of falling rain; listening to thunder rattle the sky.
I do too. All those things stir something inside me.
I want to create images that create that feeling inside you. Images that move you. Art...that just happens to be your family. What better art is there? I believe you are beautiful...I can see it, and I want you to see it too.
Being a mother of four VERY rambunctious boys has equipped me to be a better family photographer. Your big family doesn't scare me!
The more kids the better!
How does this benefit you? I thrive in the midst of chaos because that is my life! Having boys is a fun chaotic ride! I have lots of patience and the eye to find those perfect moments that become a precious memory. When you have a beautiful family portrait on your wall you will get the same warm fuzzy feeling of love every time you walk by. That is what I want to create for you.
(Marleah is a Certified Professional Photographer in Hobbs, NM and Seminole, TX)